Liricí AmhránSong Lyrics

Don Oíche Úd I mBeithil


As recorded by Celtic Woman on A Christmas Celebration

Irish English
Don oíche úd i mBeithil I sing of a night in Bethlehem
Beidh tagairt ar ghréin go brách A night as bright as dawn
Don oíche úd i mBeithil I sing of that night in Bethlehem
Gur tháinig an Briathar slán The night the Word was born
Tá gríosghrua ar spéartha The skies are glowing gaily
's an talamh 'na chlúdach bán The earth in white is dressed
Féach Íosagán sa chléibhín See Jesus in the cradle
's an Mhaighdean 'Á dhiúl le grá Drink deep in His mother's breast
Ar leacain lom an tsléibhe And there on a lonely hillside
Go nglacann na haoirí scóth The shepherds bow down in fear
Nuair in oscailt ghil na spéire When the heavens open brightly
Tá teachtaire Dé ar fáil And God's message rings out so clear
Céad glóir anois don Athair Glory now to the Father
Sa bhFlaitheasa thuas go hard! In all the heavens high!
Is feasta fós ar talamh And peace to His friends on earth below
D'fheara dea-mhéin' siocháin! As all the angels cry!